Whatsapp ve Instagram Chatbot

Whatsapp ve Instagram Chatbot

Always Support

The working hours of the Whatsapp chat robot, which can work like a customer representative, do not end, so you can provide support to your customers 24/7.

Rich communication

Enrich your customer communication with different media formats including pictures, videos, GIFs and more.

Unlimited Messaging


Platform independent i.e. WhatsApp, Apple, Android or Windows It can be installed on almost any device.

Low Costs

· Reduce your call center costs by returning automatic answers to frequently asked questions on WhatsApp.

1. Integrated with call center applications

2. Answering FAQs

3. New use cases specific to the energy sector

4. New use cases specific to the retail industry

İnstagram Chatbot

The Instagram chat robot, which can work like a customer representative, does not run out of hours, so you can provide support to your customers 24/7.

Rich communication

Enrich your customer communication with different media formats including pictures, videos, GIFs and more.

Unlimited Messaging

Low Costs

Reduce your call center costs by returning automatic answers to frequently asked questions on Instagram.


Platform independent i.e. WhatsApp, Apple, Android or Windows It can be installed on almost any device.

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